Balance of corporate life and personal life
You can often see people working full-time all day long as you work in a company.
Sometimes, there are some people who enjoy company life joyfully, whether is stock, internet, or even game by day, and even to game infrequently.
Everyone starts to work at the company, has a bloated dream, works hard, becomes an executive, and becomes a CEO, but at the moment, he has to become a different kind of person.
The biggest reason why life is difficult is because the company is part of life.
It is a company's life that can not rest or quit because it is not good weather or sleep, like having a breath, eating rice or sleeping.
It is not easy to work at least 20 to 30 years of intense enthusiasm at least every 20 to 30 years.
Running speed of runners can not equal the speed of the 100-meter race, nor should it be the same.
In order to find a way to benefit from the company, and to enjoy the balance of life and personal life, the company needs to conserve its fitness needed to take a proper breath through the right breath, with the help of the company and the individual.
One should concentrate on the task of overcoming stress and recharging one`s own meals, as they focus solely on the task of neglecting their duties.
2017/02/23 - [자기계발 이야기] - How to use eight hours of 24-hour time.
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